Thursday, June 11, 2009


Once upon a time when internet was still learning to crawl, getting anything for free used to be a dream. Imagine that only universities gave free shell accounts to users to learn the tricks of the trade and web hosting budget was on the higher side.

Not anymore though - with over 100 + free hosting services that allow you to run any of the popular scripts, to ready made stores that just need you to signup and make money, things couldn't have been better!!!

However - should you opt for the 'tempting' free stuff?
Well if you are serious about your business or serious about your website - my recommendation would be a big NO!!!

If you want to know why here are the reasons
1. Free hosts give you free service and with that comes 'NO ACCOUNTABILITY'

2. Reliability: We at Pubdomains ensure that our customers get 99.95% network uptime and should there ever be a problem - it is OUR PROBLEM to solve and we make sure we live up to our commitment to deliver uninterrupted quality and service to our clients. Free Servers don't have any such commitment or ownership.

3. Performance: Ok, so how long does it take for your home page to load on a free hosting provider? 51 seconds!!! Isn't that long enough to put off even your most ardent fan or follower to remove your site from the favourites and vow not to come back to your page! What about search engines, they just don't come to crawl your pages since they don't get a single byte of data when they attempt to spider your pages. Tch Tch .. too bad, no search engine indexing and no search engine results and finally - no traffic from search engines!!!!

4. Ooops what happend to my page layout! Well everything was OK until last night when I checked and now suddenly this ad has come up on the top of the page and that has really spoiled the look and feel of my site. Welcome to the world of free hosting - they need revenue and nothing stops them from introducing ads when the companies decide to - and there is nothing you can do to avoid them from appearing (or you face account closure)

5. Post regularly in the forum to keep the account alive. Sometimes web hosting companies giving freebies would turn you into a bonded labour asking you to post in the forum at least 5 times a week to keep your hosting account running. Is it really worth it then to opt for a free host?

These days web hosting prices have really come down to a great extent. At - you can purchase a full year hosting and get 5GB (YES - We Give a lot!) space with enough bandwidth per month for only $3.99 per month. For a price tag that is less then your burrito, or a coffee imagine getting world class service, 24x7 telephonic support and more important - peace of mind.

So what are you going to invest in? Peace of Mind or Free Hosting!

To your success, & - Running Promotion SALE

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